
Boot & Dart. continually innovate, both in the production process and introducing new varieties, allowing us to satisfy our customers’ requirements.  Our in house Research & Development team take a market oriented approach to trialing and selecting new Landscape Plants. The three key criteria in this respect are:

  • Robustness and good health
  • Weed suppression, suitable for low maintenance mass planting
  • Long period of colour an interest

Hybridizing, selecting and trialing to produce new varieties is requires a very long term approach. Triumph and disappointment can follow hot on each other’s heels, during this endeavor. Before new varieties can be confidently launched onto the market, we undergo a rigorous trials process at several international locations.

The development and introduction of our ‘Sports’ series of low-maintenance, healthy Roses growing on their own roots, is an example of our R&D team’s work.